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 why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums.

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Silent Killer
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why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums. Empty
PostSubject: why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums.   why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums. I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 04, 2009 8:51 am

I have a question for you muffin man how come u and the zgm wing can post on both forums and we can only post on our forums?
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why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums. Empty
PostSubject: Re: why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums.   why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums. I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 04, 2009 6:41 pm

You should have the option of posting in the normal forums as well as the wings forums. I'm not sure of the reason why the forums have been separated, but there have been no rules established limiting the main alliance as to where they can post. The purpose of the wing forums is simple: sometimes there are political/ethical/other issues that may effect the wing and not the main alliance. It's nice to clear up some of the clutter in the other forums.

I'm not muffin man, and I'm sorry if my post isn't the answer you were looking for. I based my reply off of my common sense.

PS: I'll still read the hell out of all the forums, wing and main alliance alike. There's no greater tool you can have than information!
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why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums. Empty
PostSubject: Re: why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums.   why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums. I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 04, 2009 9:01 pm

Kudos, Joe....Well said. My response would have been very similar to the one you provided...

To echo one point you made to a certain degree. There are things that happen in the Wing that does not effect the Main, whatsoever. However, there are more things that go on within the main that also effect the Wing. Granted, BOTH alliances are together and act as one team, But in most instances, each alliance acts as its own entity when it comes to internal politics. I believe that is the true purpose of a separate section for the wing. Not only to reduce the Forum's overall traffic, but to differentiate the information and how it's used or for what it is intended. There is nothing that I've read or heard to say that Main alliance members can not post in the Wing section of the Forum, especially if the Wing is directly effected.

I hope that clears any feelings of animosity that anyone is feeling.

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Silent Killer
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Silent Killer

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why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums. Empty
PostSubject: Re: why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums.   why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums. I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 05, 2009 8:53 am

ok thanks was just wondering.
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why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums. Empty
PostSubject: Re: why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums.   why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums. I_icon_minitime

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why should the ZGM Wing get to post on BOTH forums.
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