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 Strategies - Part 3

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Strategies - Part 3 Empty
PostSubject: Strategies - Part 3   Strategies - Part 3 I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 06, 2009 10:37 pm

Here is a good tip!!!

I know most of you may fleet save, but I found a good way to fleet save and raid at the same time. I mean, you have all these fleet slots, why not use them...

Before you fleet save your main fleet, Try probing INACTIVE targets, especially in the next galaxy. Find the best targets with the most resources, with the least amount of defense. And simply send your ships out on an attack and gauge your speed like you would be fleet saving. There is some risk to doing this, however. The target could suddenly sign on and see your fleet on it's way and have plenty of time to do something about it. But, as you know, if you do anything worthwhile in this game, there is always a risk.

Just to give you an example....I probed several planets in Galaxy 2 and found a few prospects. I am based in Galaxy 1. I sent fleets of cargoes and minimal firepower to hit these targets and by the time i sign on again and my main fleet arrives, so will the fleets of cargoes with resources ready to use upon arrival. This is a great tactic and I have been doing this for some time now. It works!!!

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